





1. 按摩:中心采用中式按摩、泰式按摩、日式按摩等多种按摩手法,帮助顾客缓解疲劳、舒缓压力,提高身体免疫力。

2. 水疗:水疗是中心的一大特色,通过温泉、气泡池、水疗床等设施,让顾客在水中放松身心,达到排毒养颜的效果。

3. 足疗:足疗是中医养生的重要组成部分,中心提供专业的足疗服务,帮助顾客缓解脚部疲劳,改善睡眠质量。

4. 美容:中心设有美容室,提供专业的美容护理服务,帮助顾客焕发青春活力。



1. 健身房:中心设有先进的健身器材,配备专业的健身教练,为顾客提供科学的健身指导。

2. 瑜伽室:瑜伽是一种很好的养生方式,中心设有专业的瑜伽室,邀请瑜伽教练为顾客提供专业的瑜伽课程。

3. 茶室:茶室是中心的一大亮点,顾客可以在品茶的同时,享受SPA服务,感受中式养生文化的魅力。





1. 营造舒适环境


2. 专业指导


3. 放松身心


4. 亲情陪伴



1. 孕期保健


2. 分娩指导


3. 产后恢复


4. 亲子互动


















1. 按摩区:金湖宫水疗中心的按摩区拥有专业的按摩师,他们技艺高超,手法娴熟,可以为顾客提供全身按摩、局部按摩、中医按摩等多种服务。在这里,你可以尽情放松身心,缓解疲劳。

2. 温泉区:温泉水疗中心拥有多个露天温泉池,水质清澈,富含多种矿物质,对身体健康大有裨益。在这里,你可以尽情享受温泉的温暖,让身心得到充分的放松。

3. SPA区:SPA区设有多个私密包间,顾客可以在这里享受到专业的SPA服务。专业的SPA师会根据顾客的需求,量身定制SPA方案,帮助顾客舒缓压力,改善睡眠。

4. 美容区:美容区提供多种美容项目,如面部护理、身体护理、足疗等。专业的美容师会为顾客提供个性化的美容方案,帮助顾客焕发青春光彩。










1. 专业技师团队:南宁林业研究所养生按摩中心拥有一支经验丰富、技术精湛的技师团队。他们经过严格的专业培训,熟练掌握各种按摩手法,能够根据顾客的身体状况和需求,制定个性化的按摩方案。

2. 独特按摩手法:中心传承了中医按摩的精髓,结合现代按摩技术,形成了独特的按摩手法。如指压、推拿、滚法、拍打等,这些手法能够有效缓解肌肉疲劳、促进血液循环、舒缓压力,从而达到养生保健的目的。

3. 舒适的环境:南宁林业研究所养生按摩中心的环境舒适宜人,设有多个独立按摩室,私密性强。室内装修简洁大方,空气清新,让顾客在享受按摩的同时,感受到身心的放松。


1. 缓解肌肉疲劳:长期坐在电脑前工作或长时间站立的人,容易出现肌肉酸痛、僵硬等问题。通过按摩,可以缓解肌肉疲劳,提高工作效率。

2. 促进血液循环:按摩可以加速血液循环,提高新陈代谢,有助于预防心血管疾病。

3. 舒缓压力:在快节奏的生活中,人们面临着巨大的压力。通过养生按摩,可以缓解压力,改善睡眠质量,提高生活质量。

4. 预防疾病:养生按摩具有预防和治疗各种疾病的作用,如颈椎病、腰椎间盘突出、肩周炎等。


1. 白领阶层:长时间坐在电脑前工作,容易出现肌肉疲劳、颈椎病等问题。

2. 老年人:随着年龄的增长,身体机能逐渐下降,养生按摩有助于延缓衰老,提高生活质量。

3. 学生:学习压力较大,容易出现肩颈疼痛、失眠等问题。

4. 全体市民:养生按摩适合各个年龄段的人群,有助于提高全民健康水平。







1. 中式按摩:运用中医理论,通过按摩手法刺激人体穴位,疏通经络,达到调节阴阳、平衡气血的效果。中式按摩具有舒缓疲劳、缓解疼痛、提高免疫力等功效。

2. 泰式按摩:源自泰国,以拉、拽、揉、压等手法为主,注重全身肌肉的拉伸,有助于提高身体柔韧性,缓解肌肉紧张。

3. 足疗:通过按摩足底穴位,刺激全身经络,达到调理身体、改善睡眠、缓解疲劳等作用。

4. 刮痧:运用特制的刮痧板,在皮肤上刮拭,促进血液循环,消除疲劳,改善肤色。

5. 拔罐:利用火罐产生的负压,吸拔皮肤,以达到通经活络、消肿止痛的效果。




Wu Huahong opened his mouth in surprise and finally sighed. I really envy being young and excellent, and my body is glowing.

It was not until two o’clock in the afternoon that people were finished.
Juan took Wu Huahong to check the account and began to make an appointment form.
Yuanyuan had nothing to do, and then she began to have a small meeting with her mother.
"Mom, now that our reputation has stabilized, I thought of something else."
Two people sat in the shop, packed their desks and began to talk.
"What do you say?" Yao Shangqing and Yuanyuan always respect each other when discussing things.
Yuanyuan took it out and began to draw it.
"Mom, look, now our guests are fixed. Some of them often come to eat, such as Professor Zhu. They just send them a card so that their regular customers can make an appointment to order their own food every time they come over, and then future generations will set a price line. At this amount, they can also get this card to make an appointment to order."
Yao Shangqing’s understanding of this is just like those high-level restaurants before liberation.
"Can our family get this far?"
She is worried about her own level.
Yuanyuan smiled. "Of course, Mom, we have to improve our family level. In a few years, you will have to accept some apprentices, and it is impossible for all departments to rely on yourself."
Yao Shangqing turned to look at her daughter.
"Mom, it’s really a sweet little cotton-padded jacket to have you as a girl." She told the truth to her lips that it was a good thing that your father brought you back, otherwise such a lovely little girl would be someone else’s home.
Yuanyuan felt a little moved in her heart, which is why she can do this at home and come here. She can also feel what real maternal love is, and she is no longer the nemesis that people say.
"Okay, Mom, I’m going back to school. I have a paper to write."
Say that finish and get up.
Yao Shangqing got up and touched her head.
"You go and study hard."
Yuanyuan left first because she had nothing to do.
Yao Shangqing stayed in the store all the time, but she wrote the advice of Yuan Yuanwu well, settled it, got the card cancellation amount, and then promoted it step by step. She has always been very clever and it is not difficult to draw inferences.
In the summer of 1992, the formal publication of Yuanyuan’s paper brought great shock, and later the medicine officially entered the clinic.
In June, the school officially had a holiday, and the college entrance examination personnel in 1977 and 1977 also graduated.
All major departments are robbing people
Yuanyuan was introduced by Professor Sheng to the Academy of Medical Sciences and entered the research laboratory of modernization of traditional Chinese medicine. She became busier and lost a lot of weight.
Chen’s love is not good, so Yao Shangqing can cook in a different way every day and send it to Yuanyuan.
Chen Juanjuan did introduce Chen Yougong to several senior seniors in graduation design.
Everyone who studies design has their own ideas
Chen Yougong came back from the south and met with them.
Whether it is a furniture factory or a small ornament, he needs talents in this field very much.
He really managed to buy land last year. At the beginning of this year, there may be some changes when there is a wind. The overall development is very good, and his annual income has begun to double.
Chen Shaoyuan entered the international college and began formal postgraduate study.
Chen Shaoer was able to come out for two weeks last year and sent a letter this summer vacation. He had nothing.
It is even more difficult for Chen Shaozhi to report that he will come back when he goes to a relatively remote place with the professor during the holiday.
Chen Yougong returned to the capital for about five days and then went back to Zhou. The students who discussed it also went to the south.
The prototype of Chen Jia city company has appeared.
Yuanyuan was able to devote herself to research when she arrived in the research room, and she also lived up to these high-end instruments.
The output of a summer vacation is very high energy, which brings surprises to everyone, and it is even more numerous.
Chapter 13 We can also do it.
At the end of the month, Yuan Yuan is the official end of the laboratory work.
School starts in September.
Yuanyuan goes to class on time
The first class is a big class.
Then I went to Professor Yu’s office.
Zheng Hui and Zhou Luoye.
Although the two of them are not excellent compared with Yuanyuan, they are outstanding compared with the whole group of them.
"I haven’t seen Chen for a long time. I heard you say that you are really amazing all summer vacation." Zheng Hui was obviously very excited. This summer vacation was the most fulfilling one he had, because almost all the libraries began to absorb all kinds of theoretical knowledge crazily.
Yuanyuan’s expression is very calm.
"Well, it’s good to be full."
Zhou Luo was holding a fist tightly next to her. She didn’t know what it was like now, but she didn’t feel very well anyway.
Professor Yu is also very happy. After all, the afterlife is awesome. Chen Yuanyuan gave him a breakthrough in his expectations again and again.
"All right, but I still want to tell you that all honors are fleeting. Don’t take these things too seriously. Some foundations should be laid, or we should lay a good foundation. This is a new research topic. This is the two of you. This is Yuanyuan. Give me a report tomorrow."
Zheng Hui stretched out his hand and took them both.
Yuanyuan took it herself, and then opened it and looked through it. It shouldn’t be difficult to consolidate her study, which she is familiar with but hasn’t done.
The three men led themselves and went out.
"Chen, can you tell us something about the Academy of Medical Sciences? I heard that it is very powerful. "
Zheng Hui is very curious. According to a medical student’s journey, he has to study for a doctor or even a postdoctoral fellow. He still has many years to go before he is a undergraduate.
Zhou Luo followed without saying anything. What can she say? Nothing.
Yuanyuan didn’t talk to Zhou Luo either. Three people walked and talked.
At present, there is no one in the whole school who doesn’t know Chen Yuanyuan, a sophomore. Even though he has just started school for a few days, students all know Chen Yuanyuan.
However, Yao Yangri is having a hard time. Her goal for the college entrance examination this year is to get the North Concord, but she still failed the exam and barely got enough for an ordinary school.
Yao Liang’s private cuisine has lasted for half a year and has become an ordinary small restaurant. Compared with Yao Shangqing’s business, it is definitely incomparable, but their own family life is no problem.
The reason for not withdrawing is that you won’t quit easily until you earn your money back.

Who is offended?

Who is this Lei Guang behemoth at this moment?
De Manro looked forward at the rows of Taikoo Lei Shou’s head that were still flying in the wind, but he clearly knew that Taikoo Lei Shou was really the incarnation of Sun Haosun’s agarwood.
If I had known it was so fierce, I really shouldn’t have started a war lightly.
Strong self-stabilizing mind de Manro suddenly and violently roared, "The three legions are ordered to attack the opposite behemoth …"
Pack up the fear in your heart and force up Zhenyuan. All the flying Terran soldiers are uplifted. De Manro leads them to burst into bursts of blows to the middle behemoth.
A bit of pity flashed through the behemoth’s eyes, and Sun Hao’s low voice sounded like "radius grid lightning strike …"
The huge body radius of Archaic Lei Shou
Cang Yu Tian Tian lei Ming
The ancient beast Wei shocked the whole emptiness today.
Two million flying soldiers broke out and rushed in.
But it was drowned by Truls Thorstensen.
Two million flying soldiers held up their defenses in unison, but they were pierced by a furious thunder.
For two million flying soldiers, the screaming and struggling in the thunderous silver snake made the whole pigeon Jiazhi Mountain shine brightly with silver white light.
All flying Terran warriors will never forget the sad scenes in the thunder.
De Manro gave his life and rushed to the middle and huge Taikoo Lei Shou. The sword of agarwood ran through Lilang and Kikku, and he was scared and fled. He was also chopped off by the agarwood sword.
A hero, two soldiers were beheaded like their companions, and they hung up the hair behind Taikoo Lei Shou’s head.
Mourning of the flying people
This is a scene that the flying terrans will never forget.
It is also the beginning of the dark period of the virtual flying terran. Many years later, I remembered this scene. The flying people still knelt down and cried and prayed silently.
Chapter DiYiLiuErSan sword cold kyushu five
In Kyushu, the wind and thunder started, and all ethnic groups were in harmony.
The dazzling thunder of Taikoo Lei Shou arrival in Bingzhou shocked Kyushu to lose ten thousand families.
Taigu Lei Shou has a peerless colorful heavenly sword beside him.
Thunder swept through the sky, and the flying Terran pigeon Jiazhishan, the resistance force of Taikoo Lei Shou, appeared before Sun Hao like a baby.
White and green fairy-tale pigeon Jiazhishan fell into a panic.
A large number of soldiers began to fly in all directions, and some rushed into the shelter, flapping their wings to escape in all directions.
There is a sword array to form the agarwood sword body, and Taigu Lei Shou keeps shaking around him.
Every time I shake, pieces of sword feathers fly out.
Whenever the elite flying Terran fighters who escaped were not penetrated by the sword and feather, they cut their heads on the spot and hung the hair behind Taikoo Lei Shou.
Drops of blood fall in Taikoo Lei Shou, blue body is magnificent, red Taikoo Lei Shou is spreading, and silver Lei Guang seems to have brought a little thunder and fire.
Huge thunder, overwhelming thunder
Kill the three legions interwoven and fly. Terrans land in peace and peace in their desperate eyes. Pigeon Jiazhi Mountain.
Protection array white light flashing resisted a.
In the huge heavenly sword, a sudden rush and crashing cut into it broke the shield, like a big river burst its banks, pigeon Jiazhishan’s shield crashed and was attacked by the thundernet heavenly sword.
In the sky, Taikoo Lei Shou’s eyes flashed with pity
But in my mind, I suddenly remembered that Ling Tianjian Sect was cut off by the blade, and my eyes closed and I roared, "Ow … kill …"
Thundernet heavenly sword like cutting tofu layer by layer to cover the pigeon with Zhishan.
The fire roared into the sky in Lei Guang.
The mountains were flattened where the giant sword waved.
In the fire, a large number of flying Terran soldiers who didn’t escape screamed; A large number of flying Terran soldiers directly melted fly ash in the place where the giant sword passed
In the past, I cut off half of the peak of Ling Tianjian Sect.
Today, Sun Hao also cut off most of the entire Pigeon Jiazhishan Flying Terran Station.
The floating white rock was broken, and a large number of formations began to fall rapidly. Hundreds of millions of soldiers blew a white rock in their sad faces, and a huge earthquake broke out in Bing.
The white rock pigeon Jiazhi Mountain is another shock, and a large number of houses and trees are swept flat in the shock wave.
Death and injury of flying terrans
It is difficult to exterminate the nation.
Shelter shine body trembling mouth whispered "what is this? What’s this? The devil, he is really a devil … "
The whole Gejiazhi Mountain is still in good condition now. There are two places, one is the flying Terran treasure and the other is the delivery area.
In the ancient Lei Shou, the claw stretched out and suddenly grabbed the huge treasure house of the flying Terran and was arrested by the whole.
Simply distinguish between a pair of own resources, especially cherish the liquid properties of the resources put into the bag and throw them into the source bucket. Other resources are swallowed up and put into the Sumitomo coagulation tower.
Sumitomo tower is like a long whale, and it is very excited to eat and eat.
When LeiKeJi subsided, I don’t know how many treasures were swallowed by Sumeru Tower. A large number of treasures were swallowed by Sumeru Tower, which gave a faint message, so that this kind of heavy eating and eating can be returned two or three times, which can rapidly promote the evolution of the tower world.
Sun Hao, in the state of Taikoo Lei Shou, smiled slightly at himself. This is the income from robbing the strongest branch of the top ten races. Unless he really dares to take the risk of conquering the world, this kind of robbery can’t be more.
Sun Hao doesn’t know how many flying Terran fighters he killed.
Know behind the elite level head reached more than two hundred.
And the square pigeon Jiazhi Mountain, with its own agarwood sword coming, has more flying terran soldiers falling into the powerful sword every moment. If you want to spend a little, the whole white rock and the whole pigeon Jiazhi Mountain will level their swords.
The gods swept past Sun Hao and accidentally saw the shelter, the absence, the shine and the silent prayer around her. The old man couldn’t help but think of the little girl’s enthusiasm and generosity when he came over.
Heart andao just Ling Tianjian sent revenge on himself. These swords have been won back ten times more than that. Let’s stop here. I believe that after such a big flight, it is difficult for Terrans to even have the ability.
Secretly a sigh huge swire Lei Shou body rushed.
Sun Hao has become an adult again after he rushed to the half-hoof and closed his body and quickly became smaller and fell into the delivery area.
All blue and handsome, with long eyes.
Looking back, I glanced at the square pigeon Jiazhishan, and Sun Hao’s mouth screamed with a thousand heads. The body was slightly shocked and dyed red, and the silver armor quickly climbed all over the body.
Reach for a move
The huge flying sword collapsed, and the meteors rushed in and sank into Corleone’s head.
The agarwood sword stopped. Before Corleone, Corleone reached out and held agarwood face upwards. A long whistle turned around and went in to the delivery area.
The terror drags the head and the blood armor soldier is so handsome and handsome.
Sun Hao looked back at that moment, and Shine and many flying Terran soldiers just saw Sun Hao’s face. I was surprised that the original drag-down blood armor was a ferocious demon, but the real situation was beyond their cognition.
Especially shine from Sun Hao’s looking back eyes seems to see deep sadness, full of affection and stories.
Think about grandpa talking about the past. Shine couldn’t help but tremble in his heart and muttered, "Is it true that Grandpa Shan’s eldest brother killed the Terran Ling Tianjian Sect and forced Yin Peng’s four concubines? I seem to see the tears in the devil’s eyes and all my thoughts and sorrows … "
Grandpa looked at the sending array flashing white light and rapidly indented to a thousand bloody heads. He said, "The devil is not a real devil. If he wants to pigeon Jiazhishan, he can be wiped out by him. Even the shelter can’t stop him from being struck by the heavenly sword. He always left a good thought in his heart …"
Shine looked at the devastated fairy mountain, and after the demons left, they gradually appeared to cry, and the clan murmured, "But why did he want to be so cruel to me?"
Grandpa touched her head and said in a low voice, "There is a saying in their Terran that an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. This is his revenge for killing Ling Tianjian Sect by Shan Jian."

Su Yonglin slapped Su Yong on the head. "Just bring you back to life and let you live. Remember to me that you have a name. Your name is Su Yong, and you are the conductor of the samurai camp. If you must die, you will die with our thoughts."

Su Yong wait for a while looked at Su Yonglin for a long time and smiled and shook his head.
"A Lang, I’m stupid. I don’t understand so much. You told me a lot. I still don’t understand it, but I know you must know everything. I’ll tell myself that I’ll do whatever you say. Is that right?"
"What if I die?"
Su Yonglin was angry and smiled. "After teaching you for so many years, you just told me that you don’t understand? Of course you can listen to me now, but what will you do if I die before you? Who do you listen to? What are you doing? "
Chapter 232 At the moment, it is time to completely destroy the Victory Army!
Su Yonglin died before himself?
Su Yong touched his big head and felt that he had never thought about it.
What should Su Yonglin do if she dies?
Got it!
Su Yong opened his mouth and smiled.
"If I die behind A Lang, of course, I will listen to A Lang’s words and follow in his footsteps. Isn’t that normal? My life is that Sue A Lang will follow whoever inherits me. "
"You …"
Su Yonglin is happy to have a loyal department and sad to have a loyal department.
I will teach you again. What I teach you is far more important than my own life. I need a successor, but that successor may not be my son, not to mention that I don’t have a son yet … no, I’m not married yet! "
Su Yonglin held Su Yong’s shoulder and said something that Su Yong didn’t understand.
He thought for a long time and didn’t want to understand, but soon he didn’t have the heart to think about it, because the 8 Jin Army array had already arrived.
Su Haisheng, Han Jingxuan, Zhang Yuejing and other commanders have personally directed the army to defend and counterattack.
They made the crossbowman shoot arrows and rain arrows at the Jin Jun array, and the Jin Jun lost a lot of arrows and rain, and also shot back and killed some soldiers of the Victory Army.
Arrow rain, of course, failed to stop the attack of 8 jin j army array, and soon the two armies began to play hardball.
At that moment, the two armies roared out their spears at the same time, blushing at each other to kill each other’s eyes except for each other’s loopholes.
The infantry pike of Victory Army is a little longer than that of Jin Jun’s lance, so it is said to be one inch long and one inch stronger. When the two armies are fighting each other, the infantry pike of Victory Army is dominant.
It is much better for Youshengjie army to have shield chariots to stop it than to have a small number of cavalry shields to stop and defend 8 Jin Army.
However, 8 Jin j is also armored, and a few people are armored with high defense.
The two sides then entered a stalemate stage.
There is another one of the 8 Jin Army infantry, that is, trying to destroy the Victory Army chariot. If the cavalry can’t destroy the infantry, they will try to destroy the Victory Army chariot with a sledgehammer.
Victory army is more encrypted pike array to fight back. From time to time, it stabs one nomads from the ground or pierces his body to bring a lot of damage to 8 jin j.
At the same time, there are also some elite 8 jin j fighters who are fierce and not afraid of death, holding a lance and desperately attacking, and piercing the body of the Victory Army soldiers with one shot. Many of them fought bravely and brought great damage to the frontline melee troops of Victory Army.
Both sides have mutual damage.
But on the whole, the Victory Army has an advantage because they are more professional and the army array is more rigorous.
The army entered the battle stage, and then the cavalry outflanked Yan Hong’s neighbor, and then the 8 Jin Army cavalry charged the flank of Victory Army from two wings.
It’s still the same old tactics, charging back and forth, repeatedly attacking and harassing the flank, putting more pressure on the victory army.
However, the crossbow shooting of Victory Army was not disturbed by this, and the shooting was still sharp, and the crossbow of the bed also fired from time to time.
A thick arrow whizzing away can often pierce one or two unlucky people’s bodies and directly take them away, which can also greatly shock the morale of the army.
The fighting is getting more and more anxious and fierce. Both sides are angry and have a real fire. The fighting is getting more and more fierce and the eyes are killing red.
Victory army or 8 jin j all killed their eyes and were covered in blood. Both of them suffered a lot, and no one wanted to retreat, thinking of killing each other.
The most primitive desire to kill in the hearts of both sides has been greatly stimulated.
To be honest, Su Yonglin’s heart was so nervous that he almost jumped out of his throat during this period.
However, Yan Hong’s neighbor seems that even if the attack of 8 Jin Army is as strong as stormy waves, the cavalry advantage will be surrounded and unable to move, and the Jiejun army array will be like the hardest and most stubborn reef in the sea. If you wash it, it will stand still.
They also insisted that they still fought hard and fought back hard, even though they were still fighting to the death in the face of the enemy, and they did not show the slightest sign of defeat.
Wait for the tenacious troops!
This is an army he has never met since he joined the army.
Is there anyone among that Han people who can bring out such a tenacious army except the famous general Yue Fei who has been dead for a long time?
Even if they are a group of traitors.
It’s been an hour and a half since the war started, and both sides have greatly reduced their physical fitness, and gradually they are unable to fight.
However, despite this, the victory army still stabilized the army array and gave great damage to the 8 Jin Army, which thwarted their several shocks and attacks. The army array was as steady as Mount Tai.
Another half hour passed, and the war went on for two hours. Two hours of bloody battles between the two armies damaged each other, and no one could resist each other.
Yan hong’s neighbor looked up at the sky and found it was getting late.
In winter, it will get dark quickly, and it will get dark in a few minutes after sunset. At that time, whether it is fighting or chasing, it will be in great difficulties, which is not good for both sides.
But this is also an opportunity.
There is only one chance today.
Victory army and their own side have almost exhausted their physical strength. In most cases, his heavily armored cavalry are still full of physical strength.
Although he was going to let them play before, after changing his mind, he told them to rest again, wait for their chance and eat and drink.
Meat to eat, soup to drink, and someone to wait on them to massage them, relax their bodies and behave like uncles.
That’s it. Let them be full of energy. When they are full of impact, they can burst out their strength in one breath!
Now is the time to completely destroy the Victory Army!
Yan Hong’s neighbor made an order to prepare the heavily armored fighters for attack, carefully selected 1,000 warriors and matched the burly ones, and was preparing for a passionate charge for a long time.
Heavily armored cavalry can generally rush in one direction, and it is difficult to change lanes or turn halfway. It is possible to slow down slowly after killing the army array, and then turn the horse’s head and charge again.
Once the heavily armored cavalry was dispatched, it was either a complete victory or a heavy loss, but it was wiped out by the army
If you can’t crush the other army, but you are blocked, the heavily armored cavalry can prepare to play a cool song for themselves as a funeral.
Obviously, Yan Hong’s neighbor denies that his heavily armored cavalry can’t complete this coolness. It is definitely for the Victory Army, not for the heavily armored cavalry.
Eye battlefield victory army army array is facing a frontal Jin Jun step army onslaught, both sides killed back and forth, and victory army’s main hand-to-hand combat forces were captured here.
While the crossbowmen are busy coping with the feeling that the 8 Jin Army cavalry is constantly coming from the flank and rear.
As time went by, Yan Hong’s neighbors found that the Victory Army had shown fatigue.
People in melee units are constantly being stabbed to death by nomads from the army or hacked to death by knives. More and more nomads from the army are rushing forward to hammer large shield chariots with sledgehammers.
The soldiers fought back and fought to the death, which caused great damage to the Jin army, but this elite Jin army was not a vegetarian, and they had no spare capacity to pay attention to his battlefield for the time being.
Su Haisheng, Han Jingxuan and Wei Kexian are all in charge of their own areas, commanding soldiers in a bloody battle, and Wei Kexian has already put his own Qinbing team into it, just short of his own ranks.
The frontal battle is so fierce that the flank is as fierce as the rear cavalry attack. The cavalry goes back and forth, and the Mercedes-Benz is so large that there is no end in sight.
Looking up, I feel that the whole world is full of Jin cavalry. They are extremely fierce. They shout cruel war horns, horses scream and people roar, and their ears are full of chaos.
This kind of situation can not be easily dominated. The combined attack power of cavalry and infantry also made Su Yonglin feel the strong coercion of the Golden Empire for the first time.
And this is not the main force of the gold empire. It is at most a pioneer. Although it is as powerful, the number has no crushing advantage.
If Yan Hong Liang comes, he will definitely bring more cavalry and infantry, and it will be even more severe.
The drum of the Victory Army still rings, which means that it will never bend. It still rumbles, but Su Yonglin can also feel that the army’s physical strength is running out, and that moment will come sooner or later.
The soldiers of Victory Army have their own physical strength, while the physical strength of 8 Jin Army and war horses can make the physical strength of Victory Army not dominant.
If the commander-in-chief of 8 Jin Army doesn’t put the strongest strategic force-heavy armored fighters and iron pagoda into operation, he will really put the strategic reserve cavalry into the battlefield.
Su Yonglin was nervous.
However, at this time, Su Yonglin suddenly received an urgent report-there was a gap in the army array of Zhang Yuejing, who was responsible for defending the east.
Chapter 233 Live for me!
Is there a gap?
It’s broken!

No, everyone lamented at the moment, regretted it, discussed it in full swing, and stayed enough among the three masters to fly back to the ground directly.

This time, the old warden didn’t control Zhao Li’s fighter plane. Zhao Li himself returned to the ground with three girls and Commander Yao Wang. The first thing Commander Yao Wang did was to take away a video of Zhao Li’s fighter plane playing against two masters.
Zhao Li hurried out only to find that the three masters got together and didn’t leave, as if they had been waiting for something. Commander Yao Wang quickly understood what they meant and calmly walked over.
As soon as the four bosses get together, everyone knows that they must have something to say. This time, no one dares to disobey the rules. Everyone should do what they want, and so should Zhao Li. In the name of this trip, the person in charge of Ann still has some work.
However, it is strange that Zhao Ligang heard the leader’s words when he was leaving. "General Zhao, come here!" Zhao Li didn’t understand, but he ran quickly.
This time, the leader took everyone into a small conference room in the Awakened Camp and sat down, but no one spoke as if waiting for an important decision.
Zhao Li knew that the leader must have had a definite idea after the first world war. Unfortunately, on such occasions, he was the last one to speak, regardless of his age or status. That one can do it, that is, listen honestly. What are the bad intentions when the three masters of the stupid assassin club gather?
Glad you came!’ The leader praised "I have finally seen the style of the federal master, glad you came Gambaifeng!" It’s not that the leader is self-deprecating. Just now, the leader and the principal are equally divided, and the principal has admitted that he is not as good as the old warden. It’s not wrong for the leader to say so.
"Dare not dare" The headmaster always leaves a lot of room for people and is very humble.
"I’ve made up my mind." The leader no longer talks nonsense and the two masters are polite, and then he turned to Yao Wang, the commander in chief, and Yao Wang, the commander in chief, immediately got serious.
"I agree with the commander-in-chief." The leader also made a very positive reply to Commander Yao Wang very seriously. When the commander-in-chief was pleasantly surprised, the leader added, "But I have an extra condition."
"What conditions?" Commander Yao Wang didn’t show any particular eagerness and asked calmly. At this time, if the leader can agree to believe that the conditions are not too much, Commander Yao Wang will certainly agree to come and negotiate. He is more anxious and has made a politician’s taboo. This is a blackmail.
"General Zhao is young, but his martial arts skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and he believes that one day he will also be a pillar of the Federation." The leader suddenly turned to Zhao Li, who was caught off guard. No, he was even more afraid that it would be a bad thing if the commander-in-chief misunderstood himself and the awakened leader had long been in cahoots.
"I think we still need a contact person. I think it’s better for this contact person to be General Zhao." The leader said his request in one breath and then quietly watched Commander Yao Wang waiting for his reply
Hearing the leader’s words, Zhao Lisong breathed a sigh of relief, and commander Yao Wang also breathed a sigh of relief. To tell the truth, this root can’t be called a rip-off. The name of this contact is Zhao Li’s letting him continue to act as this contact. Besides, it’s just a contact and it doesn’t hinder him.
But the commander-in-chief is, after all, the commander-in-chief. Ma guessed something from the words of the leader just now. The leader said that Zhao Li had built a thousand miles a day at a young age. It was obvious that Zhao Li had made a breakthrough again in the process of watching the war.
I don’t know what to say to Zhao Lixiu, commander of Wang Yao. If Zhao Li is his age and reaches such a state, he is not surprised at all. But Zhao Li is a young man in his twenties, but he has learned many ways to look up to the peak, not only in practice, but also in military status.
Moreover, the leader is obviously not the kind of short-sighted person. It is very likely that Zhao Li will be the old warden in the future. Commander Yao Wang has a good idea and promised the leader with a smile. "What is the condition that General Zhao will be the contact person? I have no intention of changing him."
Even if the martial arts of two political leaders are better than that of the old warden and principal, there is no room for interruption, especially Zhao Li, who is a bargaining chip between the two sides and has no speech.
Although being regarded as a chess game is a very unpleasant thing, it does no harm to yourself, and Zhao Li also knows that the leader is so serious-it is obvious that he recently broke through and cultivated him as a potential stock, which is good for him.
Soon a short deal has been reached, and Commander Yao Wang has reached the biggest goal of this visit to the elf planet. He is in a good mood and celebrates with sweet cake on the spot.
After a celebration, the commander-in-chief left, while the three masters deepened their understanding. It is a great honor to continue to talk about Zhao Lize. I don’t know how many people envy Zhao Li’s good luck. It is difficult to give advice even if you want to keep a low profile.
"Xiao you are becoming more and more surprising." As soon as the commander-in-chief left, it seems that all three masters have lost that kind of boss temper. When the old warden stretched out his legs, he directly put it on the table and shouted at Zhao Li greatly.
This seemingly rude behavior of the old warden, the principal and the leader, seems not to have seen Zhao Lishen Gherardini in the eyes of the three people.
Zhao Li was also stressed when he was seen by the three masters, but he was quickly blocked by his cheekiness. Anyway, the martial arts in front of the three people are all juniors, so it’s never a loss to play tricks with a smirk. Since you are an elder, you can’t always treat juniors like this, right?
"I’m not surprised again?" Zhao Li answered in this way.
"Your understanding can make people believe in the law." Although the headmaster and the leader fought, they did not forget to pay attention to the changes in the surrounding situation. They had already seen what they saw in their eyes.
"General Zhao!" The leader suddenly solemnly called a Zhao Li.
"Dare not call me Zhao Li, Zhao Crazy." Zhao Like doesn’t want to talk about the problem so seriously, and once this tone is definitely something serious, it is estimated that it is not a small trouble.
The leader of "Good Zhao Crazy" is very ready to accept good advice. This kind of fun is also very relaxing. "Zhao Crazy, I have a request. You must promise me."
"Senior, please say" Zhao Li is not so lazy this time. It seems a little serious.
"You are not the average person to see you, but you are a seven-level master." That’s what the leader said.
"Low hand hehe" Zhao Li is not afraid to belittle himself.
"That’s right, I have to send someone to protect you." The leader also didn’t refuse Zhao Li’s expression. "But in just a few years, your entry into the country was shocking, and when we were fighting, you actually understood the method of external vibration of the true qi, which made people stunned."
"Hey, hey, it’s all your predecessors." Mr. Zhao Li can’t boast that his understanding is really good and he can express it so modestly
"Young master in the army, you must be the first master in the future." The leader’s words made Zhao Li a little restless, not that he couldn’t afford this first master, but he didn’t want to be so high-profile
"Don’t be so arrogant. When we old men die, it will be you. What are you afraid of?" The old warden was annoyed that Zhao Li followed Kang Hongyuan to this trick. They showed no mercy. "Don’t play this trick in front of us. You don’t know where it is when we play."
"I’m not afraid to be big in front of several predecessors?" Zhao Li argued in his mouth, but his heart was also excited. Did all three masters admit this statement? No matter who it is, if these three people admit it, they will be excited.
"Does this name and interest mean anything to you?" The headmaster’s words calmed Zhao Li’s excitement. Yes, what’s the significance of fame and fortune to himself? Fame is enough to stay honestly and mix up enough qualifications. Even if others are more qualified than themselves, they may not have their own advantages. What else do you need?
"Although these millions of people are worthless to the Federation, I still want to please you. If I die, they will rely on you for shelter." The leader then asked Zhao Li in his own words. "It is better to treat them specially so that they can live without being discriminated against."
This requirement is high or low, but it is not low. Zhao Li hesitated and looked at the two officers. When they saw them, they also looked forward to looking at themselves. Zhao Li thought about it and nodded heavily. "Good!"