












1. 瑶族草药:瑶族养生SPA采用瑶族世代相传的草药,如五加皮、白芷、川芎等,这些草药具有祛风除湿、活血化瘀、消炎止痛等功效。

2. 瑶族按摩手法:瑶族按摩手法独具特色,包括推拿、拔罐、刮痧等。这些手法能够疏通经络、调节气血、缓解疲劳。

3. 瑶族香薰:瑶族香薰采用瑶族特有的香料,如沉香、檀香、迷迭香等,具有舒缓神经、提神醒脑的作用。

4. 瑶族药浴:瑶族药浴选用瑶族草药,通过泡浴的方式,使草药中的有效成分渗透到肌肤,达到养生保健的目的。


1. 预约:首先,您可以通过电话、网络等方式预约瑶族养生SPA服务。

2. 入门:进入瑶族养生SPA馆,您会感受到温馨舒适的氛围。馆内装饰以瑶族特色为主,营造出浓厚的民族风情。

3. 洗浴:在瑶族药浴池中泡浴,草药的香气弥漫四周,让您身心放松。泡浴后,技师会为您进行瑶族按摩,帮助您疏通经络、缓解疲劳。

4. 香薰:在瑶族香薰区,您可以选择适合自己的香薰精油,让香气环绕四周,舒缓神经、提神醒脑。

5. 休息:在瑶族养生SPA馆的休息区,您可以品尝瑶族特色茶饮,享受悠闲时光。


1. 身心愉悦:瑶族养生SPA能够帮助您缓解疲劳、改善睡眠,让您身心愉悦。

2. 增强体质:瑶族养生SPA具有祛风除湿、活血化瘀等功效,有助于增强体质、预防疾病。

3. 了解瑶族文化:通过瑶族养生SPA,您可以深入了解瑶族文化,感受瑶族人民的热情与淳朴。







1. 中医按摩:运用中医理论,通过指压、推拿等技术,刺激人体穴位和经络,调整身体机能,缓解疲劳,增强免疫力。

2. 足疗按摩:采用专业手法,对足部进行按摩,促进血液循环,缓解脚部疲劳,达到舒缓身心、放松肌肉的效果。

3. 肩颈按摩:针对肩颈部位进行深度按摩,缓解肌肉紧张,改善颈椎问题,让顾客恢复活力。

4. 美容养颜:结合中草药和天然精油,为顾客提供美容养颜的按摩服务,使肌肤更加紧致、有光泽。




1. 提供免费茶水、点心,让顾客在按摩过程中,享受美食带来的愉悦。

2. 为顾客提供免费停车场,方便顾客前来按摩。

3. 提供预约服务,让顾客可以根据自己的时间安排,享受专业的按摩服务。




1. 中医养生:介绍中医理论,指导顾客如何通过饮食、运动、按摩等方式,达到养生保健的目的。

2. 生活习惯:提醒顾客注意日常生活中的细节,如保持良好的作息、饮食规律等,以保持身体健康。

3. 疾病预防:针对常见疾病,如颈椎病、腰椎病等,提供预防和治疗方法,帮助顾客远离疾病困扰。







1. 便捷高效:消费者只需通过手机APP或网站进行预约,即可轻松下单。技师会根据预约时间准时上门,省去了外出奔波的麻烦。

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5. 健康保障:按摩作为一种有效的保健方式,可以帮助缓解疲劳、改善睡眠、促进血液循环等。南宁线上按摩服务有助于消费者养成良好的生活习惯,提高生活质量。


1. 选择正规平台:在享受线上按摩服务之前,首先要选择一家正规、信誉良好的平台。可以通过查看用户评价、资质证书等方式进行筛选。

2. 提前预约:为了保证技师能够按时上门,建议消费者提前预约。同时,在预约时可以说明自己的需求和喜好,以便技师提供更贴心的服务。

3. 保持沟通:在技师上门服务过程中,消费者可以与技师保持沟通,及时反馈自己的感受,以便技师调整按摩力度和方式。

4. 注意安全:在享受按摩服务时,要保持室内空气流通,避免感冒。同时,要注意技师的操作手法,如有不适,应立即告知技师。































1. 营造舒适环境


2. 专业指导


3. 放松身心


4. 亲情陪伴



1. 孕期保健


2. 分娩指导


3. 产后恢复


4. 亲子互动




Who is offended?

Who is this Lei Guang behemoth at this moment?
De Manro looked forward at the rows of Taikoo Lei Shou’s head that were still flying in the wind, but he clearly knew that Taikoo Lei Shou was really the incarnation of Sun Haosun’s agarwood.
If I had known it was so fierce, I really shouldn’t have started a war lightly.
Strong self-stabilizing mind de Manro suddenly and violently roared, "The three legions are ordered to attack the opposite behemoth …"
Pack up the fear in your heart and force up Zhenyuan. All the flying Terran soldiers are uplifted. De Manro leads them to burst into bursts of blows to the middle behemoth.
A bit of pity flashed through the behemoth’s eyes, and Sun Hao’s low voice sounded like "radius grid lightning strike …"
The huge body radius of Archaic Lei Shou
Cang Yu Tian Tian lei Ming
The ancient beast Wei shocked the whole emptiness today.
Two million flying soldiers broke out and rushed in.
But it was drowned by Truls Thorstensen.
Two million flying soldiers held up their defenses in unison, but they were pierced by a furious thunder.
For two million flying soldiers, the screaming and struggling in the thunderous silver snake made the whole pigeon Jiazhi Mountain shine brightly with silver white light.
All flying Terran warriors will never forget the sad scenes in the thunder.
De Manro gave his life and rushed to the middle and huge Taikoo Lei Shou. The sword of agarwood ran through Lilang and Kikku, and he was scared and fled. He was also chopped off by the agarwood sword.
A hero, two soldiers were beheaded like their companions, and they hung up the hair behind Taikoo Lei Shou’s head.
Mourning of the flying people
This is a scene that the flying terrans will never forget.
It is also the beginning of the dark period of the virtual flying terran. Many years later, I remembered this scene. The flying people still knelt down and cried and prayed silently.
Chapter DiYiLiuErSan sword cold kyushu five
In Kyushu, the wind and thunder started, and all ethnic groups were in harmony.
The dazzling thunder of Taikoo Lei Shou arrival in Bingzhou shocked Kyushu to lose ten thousand families.
Taigu Lei Shou has a peerless colorful heavenly sword beside him.
Thunder swept through the sky, and the flying Terran pigeon Jiazhishan, the resistance force of Taikoo Lei Shou, appeared before Sun Hao like a baby.
White and green fairy-tale pigeon Jiazhishan fell into a panic.
A large number of soldiers began to fly in all directions, and some rushed into the shelter, flapping their wings to escape in all directions.
There is a sword array to form the agarwood sword body, and Taigu Lei Shou keeps shaking around him.
Every time I shake, pieces of sword feathers fly out.
Whenever the elite flying Terran fighters who escaped were not penetrated by the sword and feather, they cut their heads on the spot and hung the hair behind Taikoo Lei Shou.
Drops of blood fall in Taikoo Lei Shou, blue body is magnificent, red Taikoo Lei Shou is spreading, and silver Lei Guang seems to have brought a little thunder and fire.
Huge thunder, overwhelming thunder
Kill the three legions interwoven and fly. Terrans land in peace and peace in their desperate eyes. Pigeon Jiazhi Mountain.
Protection array white light flashing resisted a.
In the huge heavenly sword, a sudden rush and crashing cut into it broke the shield, like a big river burst its banks, pigeon Jiazhishan’s shield crashed and was attacked by the thundernet heavenly sword.
In the sky, Taikoo Lei Shou’s eyes flashed with pity
But in my mind, I suddenly remembered that Ling Tianjian Sect was cut off by the blade, and my eyes closed and I roared, "Ow … kill …"
Thundernet heavenly sword like cutting tofu layer by layer to cover the pigeon with Zhishan.
The fire roared into the sky in Lei Guang.
The mountains were flattened where the giant sword waved.
In the fire, a large number of flying Terran soldiers who didn’t escape screamed; A large number of flying Terran soldiers directly melted fly ash in the place where the giant sword passed
In the past, I cut off half of the peak of Ling Tianjian Sect.
Today, Sun Hao also cut off most of the entire Pigeon Jiazhishan Flying Terran Station.
The floating white rock was broken, and a large number of formations began to fall rapidly. Hundreds of millions of soldiers blew a white rock in their sad faces, and a huge earthquake broke out in Bing.
The white rock pigeon Jiazhi Mountain is another shock, and a large number of houses and trees are swept flat in the shock wave.
Death and injury of flying terrans
It is difficult to exterminate the nation.
Shelter shine body trembling mouth whispered "what is this? What’s this? The devil, he is really a devil … "
The whole Gejiazhi Mountain is still in good condition now. There are two places, one is the flying Terran treasure and the other is the delivery area.
In the ancient Lei Shou, the claw stretched out and suddenly grabbed the huge treasure house of the flying Terran and was arrested by the whole.
Simply distinguish between a pair of own resources, especially cherish the liquid properties of the resources put into the bag and throw them into the source bucket. Other resources are swallowed up and put into the Sumitomo coagulation tower.
Sumitomo tower is like a long whale, and it is very excited to eat and eat.
When LeiKeJi subsided, I don’t know how many treasures were swallowed by Sumeru Tower. A large number of treasures were swallowed by Sumeru Tower, which gave a faint message, so that this kind of heavy eating and eating can be returned two or three times, which can rapidly promote the evolution of the tower world.
Sun Hao, in the state of Taikoo Lei Shou, smiled slightly at himself. This is the income from robbing the strongest branch of the top ten races. Unless he really dares to take the risk of conquering the world, this kind of robbery can’t be more.
Sun Hao doesn’t know how many flying Terran fighters he killed.
Know behind the elite level head reached more than two hundred.
And the square pigeon Jiazhi Mountain, with its own agarwood sword coming, has more flying terran soldiers falling into the powerful sword every moment. If you want to spend a little, the whole white rock and the whole pigeon Jiazhi Mountain will level their swords.
The gods swept past Sun Hao and accidentally saw the shelter, the absence, the shine and the silent prayer around her. The old man couldn’t help but think of the little girl’s enthusiasm and generosity when he came over.
Heart andao just Ling Tianjian sent revenge on himself. These swords have been won back ten times more than that. Let’s stop here. I believe that after such a big flight, it is difficult for Terrans to even have the ability.
Secretly a sigh huge swire Lei Shou body rushed.
Sun Hao has become an adult again after he rushed to the half-hoof and closed his body and quickly became smaller and fell into the delivery area.
All blue and handsome, with long eyes.
Looking back, I glanced at the square pigeon Jiazhishan, and Sun Hao’s mouth screamed with a thousand heads. The body was slightly shocked and dyed red, and the silver armor quickly climbed all over the body.
Reach for a move
The huge flying sword collapsed, and the meteors rushed in and sank into Corleone’s head.
The agarwood sword stopped. Before Corleone, Corleone reached out and held agarwood face upwards. A long whistle turned around and went in to the delivery area.
The terror drags the head and the blood armor soldier is so handsome and handsome.
Sun Hao looked back at that moment, and Shine and many flying Terran soldiers just saw Sun Hao’s face. I was surprised that the original drag-down blood armor was a ferocious demon, but the real situation was beyond their cognition.
Especially shine from Sun Hao’s looking back eyes seems to see deep sadness, full of affection and stories.
Think about grandpa talking about the past. Shine couldn’t help but tremble in his heart and muttered, "Is it true that Grandpa Shan’s eldest brother killed the Terran Ling Tianjian Sect and forced Yin Peng’s four concubines? I seem to see the tears in the devil’s eyes and all my thoughts and sorrows … "
Grandpa looked at the sending array flashing white light and rapidly indented to a thousand bloody heads. He said, "The devil is not a real devil. If he wants to pigeon Jiazhishan, he can be wiped out by him. Even the shelter can’t stop him from being struck by the heavenly sword. He always left a good thought in his heart …"
Shine looked at the devastated fairy mountain, and after the demons left, they gradually appeared to cry, and the clan murmured, "But why did he want to be so cruel to me?"
Grandpa touched her head and said in a low voice, "There is a saying in their Terran that an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. This is his revenge for killing Ling Tianjian Sect by Shan Jian."

Look at sitting on a futon and talking nonsense

JiXiaoAi face bursts of hongxia.
Isn’t your big brother a bit unreliable?
It’s weird to wake up from Li Min proudly and suddenly appear such a freak.
It’s as if a fly suddenly appeared in a full plate of delicious food, which is generally unaccustomed.
Only nine sides paused and patted himself on the shoulder with a broadsword as if he knew what friar Bian was thinking, and said, "What do you think is always nonsense? You you you … "
The broadsword with scabbard refers to a lot of condescension in the past. Brother Du Jiu felt that he was discovered by Du Jiu and generally recognized him. He generally remembered that his face showed an unnatural look.
In the end, Dujiu’s scabbard broadsword pointed straight at Qi Xiaoai and shook his head and sighed, "Hey, hey, my school sister, when will you grow a little? Can you stop being as superficial as them? You have eyes but don’t know gold and jade …"
JiXiaoAi blushed. If it weren’t for Wan Xiu’s attention, she couldn’t wait to run and kick this guy.
"Ouch!" Dujiu said in a strange way. "You’re not angry, are you?"
Speaking of which, the scabbard said to Sun Hao, a finger at Lang, "See, agarwood is the real master. Look, the old fairy dust has infected agarwood. That guy is learning something. Hahahaha, you are so superficial."
All the monks looked at Zhong Sun Hao along the scabbard of Dujiu, only to find that Sun Hao was sitting cross-legged with a face of thinking.
Seeing Du Jiu pointing to himself, seeing the monks examining their eyes, Sun Hao Zhan Yan smiled at Du Jiu and said, "Jiu Ye’s good skill unconsciously won the momentum and attracted the attention of Chen Xiang Pei."
Dujiu winked at Sun Hao and then laughed. "Hahahaha or agarwood knows me what a fairy is. My understanding of Dujiu is casual. That is, the fairy is free and easy, and the fairy is natural. Are you tired of smiling all day? And Li Min, don’t be proud of pretending to be forced to know whether you are tired or not all day … "
To dust people don’t mind shake head wry smile.
Li Minye didn’t say anything to refute, but sat cross-legged quietly and listened to the theory of being alone.
And Fang Guiyi, a monk who despised Du Jiu, gradually got a different taste from it.
Dujiu seems cynical and scolds others, but actually he has his own unique understanding of immortals.
Free and easy, natural and unrestrained, you can come as you want. This is the fairy in Dujiu’s mind.
Love is not angry, sentimental or melodramatic.
Love can be angry, sentimental, and awkward.
This is the fairy in Dujiu’s heart.
Dujiu sat idly in a chair a few days ago, took a knife and slapped his shoulder rhythmically to the beat. He sang in his mouth, "I am a rambling and arrogant Taoist in Qingdu; If you are drunk today, you must have sorrow tomorrow. "
In the end, Dujiu said clearly, word by word, gently and firmly, "I have said so much about what I really mean, but it is a fairy to be free and easy in four words."
Qi Xiaoai looked red and wanted to say, "Brother, there you go again. Is that five words?"
Say that finish this sentence alone nine didn’t miscalculate consciousness striding across from ups and downs swaggering back to the five people rushed sword forging brilliant smile "how nine ye severe? Have you been shocked by Master Jiu? "
Sun Hao’s heart welled up with four words "free and easy"
Sword forging is very sincere, with a slight bend of the body and a vertical thumb. "Nine lords are really high, especially the last few words are really high."
Dujiu sat cross-legged with a broadsword and laughed for a long time.
After Du Jiu smiled, he returned to a field to restore calm.
Although I don’t know much about Dujiu’s strange ideas, it’s still very quiet to be together. No matter whether I understand it or not, I have to understand it at this time. The monks are very disciplined and there is no nonsense.
Is only nine side kept shaking his head a pair of hate iron not to produce.
Being alone is free and easy, and it’s good to be free and easy. The scene is orderly and everyone is self-disciplined. Where is there any free and easy meaning?
I am lonely.
Dujiu’s heart suddenly surges with the feeling that everyone is drunk and I wake up alone.
Half an hour later
Cross your legs and sit on a sword, forge a long body, and a blaster flies to the desk. A plate of knees is like a sword. After sitting on the case, I slowly said, "I’ll come."
A sword sitting cross-legged is like a drawn sword with its edge pointing straight at the sky.
The breath of the sword has come to me.
All the monks were refreshed and began to listen to the sword and the immortal.
It’s much more reliable to be suspicious than just being alone.
Then his understand of Xiandao may also be more helpful to everyone.
"When monks measure things, they value the meaning in their own lives rather than how much practical benefits they can bring to themselves. Such an attitude towards life is true nature …" Jian Baiduan said slowly. "I think that the monk’s cultivation of immortality is true nature, the only cultivation is true purity."
Jian Bai Forging’s perception and pursuit of immortality is true purity.
Godsworn, the world is cruel everywhere, and there is a life-and-death struggle.
It’s pure. Will it work? Will it be sold and help others count money?
Many monks don’t understand that swords are forged. Can such a character go far?
"It’s really pure and sincere to others." Jian Baiforging’s face was calm and slowly spoke. "It’s not difficult to be childlike when you don’t hide or betray your friends."
Sun Hao looked at a face of calm Kan Kan and talked thoughtfully about the sword forging.
Sword forging is kendo, kendo pays attention to idealism, and sword is the only sword with childlike innocence, and sword forging is immortal.
It is also wrong if monks are really bullied and deceived.
As an ancient poem says, "Friends come with good wine and enemies come with steel guns", which annoys me and makes me see the other side of innocence.
How did the sword madness come from?
It’s really pure.
Seriously, they have something wrong. Why don’t you provoke him?
Besides, can ordinary people have an equal opportunity to talk with him at a high level?
Being able to talk to him on an equal footing, such as Sun Hao alone, is a monk. If he is not a big villain, he must also have his own principles and rules of life. If a Taoist sword is forged and pure, he may be able to change his heart.
What is a fairy?
A hundred monks may have a hundred different understandings.
There is no denying that the first three monks on immortals have their own unique understanding of immortals, and Sun Hao has benefited a lot from it.
By analogy, it can deepen the mastery of road maintenance.
After the sword is forged
The monks began to realize that soon Luo Peng stood up and went to talk about immortals for the fourth time.
In this way, the fairy is the first and last to suffer, and Luo Peng doesn’t want to stay last.
Once the monk in the back has the same understanding of the fairy as the monk in the front, but he can’t say anything new, the debate ranking will not be very high.
Luo Peng sat cross-legged

Ya a nasty "no, I can’t bring words to Grandpa Luo …" The second half of the words suddenly stopped, and I guessed that they would be released.

"What do you say?" I slowly opened my mouth and sniggered at you. If you can’t help it, make it!
Wang Xi gave me a bad look. "Well, you are malicious-take it back to Grandpa Luo for processing."
Life or death refused to direct order!
Several ninjas were tied up like pigs and stuffed into sacks, then set fire to them and left immediately.
We changed the road and sent a few others back to drive.
"This is another great victory for the people of China. Wang Xi kept on talking about" once again defeating imperialism and small Ri’s subversion against us … ""Shit, it’s true. I remember this. Should I report it to the boss and get me some bonus or something?
Our heroic spirit of hiding in the dark is invisible and intangible, but can we give some material rewards?
Words played immediately.
After receiving my words, the boss still paid more attention to preparing to report to the běi National Security Bureau, and then I woke up and came back quickly. The amphibious conference will be held-"The organization needs you to go into the bridge, zhengf incarnation, and communicate with your people’s organizations." The boss said this.
"It’s almost today-boss, these things are big things, and I can’t wait for a while to have a small thing. Do it for me?"
"Can you send my bonus first? There are many flaws in handling such a big case, not to mention a bonus of 100,000 to 200,000, right? Otherwise, the enthusiasm of the working people will be hit and there will be no way to be a bridge. "
In the words, the boss was silent for a while "two hundred! A price. "
It’s dark It’s dark!
"Uh, you …"
I didn’t speak until the boss immediately went on to say, "Do you want to divide the money for love?"
"OK, 200 is 200". A sum of money is also money. Don’t be white. "Then you reimburse me for the difference.
There is a silence "fifty.
Wang Xi almost fainted "two hundred and fifty your boss is so talented.
My sad eyes choked Sang Yu finally unbearable-she laughed directly out of breath!
Section 136 Assassination
Coming out of Miaojian Mountain, we went straight to Maihe City in journey to the south.
"Why don’t you go south?" I yawned and smoked a cigarette holder. "The south is much closer. It takes more than ten hours to drive to the south. I don’t know if Master Luo has Alzheimer’s disease or not. The port told us to go by boat.
"No," Wang Xi sat lazily in the back row. "Grandpa Luo said that this side belongs to Rihai. Forget it. It’s unlucky to tell us to go north." He wanted to think, "Grandpa Luo’s divination has always been very accurate. It’s absolutely right for us to go north."
He pulled the carpet, but Ling Tong didn’t know why he came out and began to sleep very quickly. He didn’t know if there was any problem. Anyway, we were not very worried because we were breathing smoothly and our pulse was normal. Of course, malicious speculation was not without me. Maybe some ethnic groups had a special interest in young children …
Speaking of Master Luo’s divination, I suddenly remembered, "By the way, why didn’t Master Luo help us calculate divination before we went out? Why can we only calculate it today?" I’ve been wanting to ask this question for a long time, but I haven’t found a chance.
Sang Yu drove a car and inserted a sentence: "Grandpa Luo’s listening to bone divination is a divination with high accuracy and won’t go against the sky, but the extremes meet, and it also has its own weaknesses-only once every seven days can divination be played."
That’s right! I’ve been thinking about why Master Luo didn’t help us with the calculation, and the results were in a mess. Now I know that he’s more like this. If he can really calculate at any time and accurately, it’s not against the sky.
Miaojian Mountain comes out of Nandan City, the first city, and then if it goes all the way north, it is Kyoto, and then you can reach Wuhe City. In order to bypass Kyoto, we chose to go from Nandan City to Fuzhishan City in the northwest and go to Wuhe City.
"What’s the detour?" Wang Xi ate dry food and asked me, "How fast is it to go directly?" He reached for the map and stuck it. "It takes almost two hours to go around like this."
"What do you say?" I reached into the bag next to him, pulled out a biscuit and stuffed it in my mouth. I continued, "Kyoto is definitely the most dangerous place. It is not only easy for enchanters to find out that jǐng Chasheka will also be regarded as a kidnapper."
"I agree with Sang Yu’s first statement." What do you think, Uncle Wang? "
Wang Shang looked at the map and compared it with the distance. "Although it will take longer to detour, it is really worth it compared with the danger we will encounter." He nodded firmly to express his opinion
"Then I have no problem." Wang Xi nodded heartlessly and continued to eat. "I’m just saying."
This is small!
"Everybody finish eating quickly, and then we’ll go directly to Fuzhishan City." Sang Yu directly ordered that "we’ll rest and eat when we get there."
"Good bodyguards stole a look at Sang Yu attitude see no objection so qi qi should be a also be give me a face.
Seeing the mountain wonderfully, Grandma Xiong threw a sentence and went straight away. She said that she had met us that day, so she threw us halfway. A bunch of people all made money from illusion. How can we not know that it’s terrible? We can keep on going without delay. It’s hard to get through Nandan City. We bought some food and took a rest to discuss how to get there next.
I’ll look at the map again and think about it. It’s not bad. I bypassed the traffic arteries and got supplies and rest by the way. With the unanimous approval of everyone, I really feel that I’m a little good.
According to the distance, it’s almost two-thirds of the way to Fuzhishan City. Naturally, we won’t stay there, but it’s indispensable to eat. We should also stop for more than half an hour by the way.
We chose this hotel, which is located on the edge of the city. There are not many people in the middle of the night. We ordered some at will. We started to eat in shifts. First, Sang Yu and I took people to eat, and then Wang Xi was injured.
Bodyguards don’t know magic, but it can make the three of us feel better.
Sang Yu didn’t wake up, and her appetite was not so good. She just stopped eating at will and looked at me with a cup of hot tea. "Slow down, that’s a little aristocratic." She looked lightly chastising. "Don’t choke yourself."
"Yeah, yeah," I didn’t really care about it, so I just spoke casually. "By the way, what are the allusions here? I’ll blow them later."
"here?" Sang Yu thought for a few seconds. "There are really two allusions here that can be heard. This is a famous ghost town. The famous monster Ri said that it happened here. Until now, there is a famous’ ghost sacrifice’ every October; In addition, the stone wall of the Tianshou Pavilion in Jucheng, which was built by Zhiguangxiu, is made up of stones, and the cement-free lime soil makes the temple remove stones. "
"Eh, so bold?" I’m not afraid of retribution.
"Then I don’t know," Sang Yu smiled. "I have seen that there are tombstones in the stone, and the scripture tablet even says that the Buddha fragments are really brave."
"Shout ~" I put chopsticks for a long time and breathed a sigh of relief. As a result, when I pulled the wound, I felt a little stuffy in my chest. It was lucky that my fucking ribs were not broken and I got a little hurt.
Slightly adjust your breathing to make yourself comfortable. When I looked up, I saw Sang Yu’s eyes. I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. "Nothing pulled." I got up to avoid her eyes and "went to shift."
"If it’s really okay, don’t hold on." She got up and waved. "If it’s not okay, just rest your car and stare at me."
"I’ll see when the time comes. I’ll handle the problem myself." I added, "Don’t worry
Have dinner together. The bodyguards are almost finished smoking, smoking, drinking tea, and seeing gestures, they got up and went out together. "It’s too slow. I heard Wang Xi complain far away when she came out."
There are dozens of meters away from our car at the door. Sang Yu and I finally went to the door to see Wang Xi and his people. They have already started walking this way, shouting "Hungry, hungry …"
"Young master, can you have two drinks later?" Another bodyguard asked him
"To eat meat, there is a guy who looks very strong and stupid."
They look relaxed and talk calmly. "Let’s go to dinner quickly. Don’t drink wine after the boat for a while … Hey, this smelly trot is really fast-Uncle Wang?" Sang Yu told Wang Xi that I don’t know if I heard it. I walked to the car and called one.
The "big miss" Wang was injured when he came from the car. Although his face was tired and his eyes were red, the car was still as agile as an ape. "Then I’ll eat first."
"Wang Shu, don’t worry about eating to us."
Wang Shang hasn’t left these prisoners all the way, and he has been guarding them himself. Even when he sleeps in shifts, he still hasn’t rested for people in their forties and fifties, and it’s a little too much for him.
I took a look at the car, and those guys were still unconscious when they backed into the car, breathing heavily and inhaling.
Two bodyguards got out of the car to guard it.
I checked the wheels and water tanks one by one, and even there was something on the way. By the way, I looked at it again and continued to sleep. Half of them saw Sang Yu’s face could not hide his tiredness. "Go sit in your car. They will soon be finished-nothing."
"No …" She shook her head stubbornly. "We’ll talk about it later."
"That …" I was just about to pull two sentences of nonsense when I suddenly felt as if the lights were dim.
"Bad mouth to mouth.
The bodyguards also looked leisurely and did everything, listening to the music department shout around, pulling the knife out of the gun barrel and sweeping around a dozen eyes, "You keep me inside."
If there are more people, there will be nothing wrong with me. I am afraid that Wang Xi and others have something wrong.
Only after running for a few meters, Wang Xi has rushed out of the house and followed a lot of people behind him. "What’s wrong?" Wang Xi ran and prepared to pull the knife out from behind.
"We’re fine-what about you?"
"We’re all right. The light flashed just now." Wang Xi slowed down and doubted in his eyes. "Really?"
I looked behind him. "Well, it was nothing just now. Now I think something is wrong …"
Ya a listen to almost pulled out the knife, eyeing around and shouted "where do you mean I see … er, we’re not going to escape …"
Turning around, I saw the proprietress bash elbows, glaring at her waist, holding the bill behind her back, and holding her head high with a look of’ Don’t give money to kill you’ in the face of dozens of strong men.